Friday, June 4, 2010

Here we go!

So, this is my! It sort of feels like I am writing to "dear diary" or something silly. I just wanted to use this first posting to explain the title of my blog. Well, it all started on a lovely Saturday evening when I was riding down the street with my best friend, Jessica... I don't remember what we were talking about (maybe I should have asked her to remind me before I started typing), but I just was rambling on and said " the midst of the mist..." it cracked me up mid-sentence and I had to reiterate what I had just said/meant to say and we had a good little laugh. Somehow that got connected to talking about blogs, maybe cause Jessica was telling me about hers. I had started up a blog when I moved to AR, but didn't think that my title was cute or catchy, so I did not do anything with it. Throughout the next week I was bombarded with articles, preachers, and books using the word "mist" in relation to our time here on earth. Obviously, "midst" is in the middle of it all. My time on earth is merely a vapor a *mist* in the grand scheme of things. I am learning life is all about perspective. I don't want to live my life filtered by my own rose colored perspective of life... I want something more and something bigger than me... I want to live with an eternal perspective. I want to make a difference in the time I have been given. So, this blog is just going to be about whats going on in the midst of it all. Some posts I will tell about what is going on in my day-to-day life, but I really hope the Lord starts teaching me things through having to sit and contemplate (and type) and hopefully all of that will develop into something greater, something life-changing, something that will leave a drop or make a mark, after my mist is gone.

Also, please leave comments. I like dialogue and I would *love* to know what you think about what I'm saying or about what the Lord is teaching me or just about whatever...

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